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Moderne Bibliothek

Flashes of inspiration from creative spirits

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."


Lao Tse



"A dream is essential if you want to shape the future."


Victor Hugo  



“Our biggest weakness is giving up. The surest way to success is always to try again.”


Thomas Alva Edison  



"A new way of thinking is necessary if humanity is to live on."


Albert Einstein



"What you want to ignite in others must burn within you."





"You can't overtake someone by following in their footsteps."


François Truffaut  



“Once you succeed, it may be coincidence. If you succeed twice, it may be luck. If you succeed three times, it is diligence and skill.”


French proverb  



"Even after a bad harvest you have to sow again."


Reinhold Schneider



"Only those who dare to fail big can succeed big."


Robert F Kennedy


"Those who know the goal can decide, those who decide find peace, those who find peace are safe, those who are sure can reflect, those who reflect can improve."




"Whoever does the small as if it were a great thing, God gives him the grace to do the great as if it were a small thing."


Rudolf Koegel  

"The most important thing is never to stop at the beginning."


Albert Einstein

"Good works are not done with strength, but with perseverance."


Samuel Johnson



"Problems can never be solved with the same mindset that created them."


Albert Einstein


"The purest form of insanity is to leave everything as it is and at the same time hope that something will change."


Albert Einstein


Ideas don't last. Something has to be done about them.


Alfred North Whitehead

"Always trying. Always failed. no matter. Try again. fail again. It's better to fail."


Samuel Beckett


"When a person sets his mind to something, he can do more than one thinks."


Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi


"Those who only look at what is will never know what is possible."


Chinese wisdom


“Man makes even the deserts bloom. The only desert that still offers resistance is in his head.”


Ephraim Kishon


"The perfection of a watch does not consist in going fast, but in going right."


Luc de Clapiers de Vauvenargues


"Anyone who goes for a walk unaccompanied comes back accompanied by many thoughts."


Ernst R. Hauschka


“Don't just walk the slippery roads. Go where no one has gone before so that you leave traces and not just dust.”


Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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