SMARTER HABITAT offers ECO-SIP (Structural Insulated Panel), a unique sustainable building material based on ECO-NCL (Natural Composite Laminate) and manufactured with natural fibre products. To this end, SMARTER HABITAT has created a global licensing solution that allows these products to be sold worldwide, providing high quality durable housing at low cost.
Benefits of the SMARTER HABITAT solution:
- CO2 reduction - negative carbon footprint.
- No use of sand, cement, water and only a little energy
- Fire, pest, hurricane and earthquake resistant- Water repellent
- Quick to build with unskilled labour (50 sqm house in max. 1 week).
- No heavy machinery on site
- Very cheap with € 300 to € 500 per m2 living space
The SMARTER HABITAT business concept is designed to offer attractive financial returns with strong social impact. It offers a unique solution to this massive social humanitarian challenge. Research and development in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute support the further development and optimisation of this paradigm-changing building material.
The business model essentially consists of two elements:
- The production and sale of ECO - SIP worldwide.
- The granting of technology licences

The production and the continuous further development of the production processes is the basis for the worldwide license model. The production generates attractive revenues and profits. Licensing is the real driver for the global rollout of the technology and the rapid scaling of revenues and profits.
SMARTER HABITAT has created a global licensing solution that allows them to sell their own products worldwide, bringing high quality durable housing to the needy masses at low cost. The basic products are SMARTER HABITAT House, ECO-SIP (Structural Insulated Panel), ECO-NCL (Natural Composite Laminate) and SMARTER-CORE. A SMARTER HABITAT House built with locally prefabricated panels (size 1.25mx 2.50mx 0.10m) will cost between EUR 15,000 to 25,000 turnkey for end users around the world. Licensing inquiries have already been received from companies in more than 30 countries around the world.
A projected turnover of SMARTER HABITAT in 5 years of over 200 million euros and an EBITDA of over 40 million euros are therefore very realistic. The "free cash flow" for 2025 is around EUR 30 million.
SMARTER HABITAT needs a total of 10 million euros to implement the project for:
- Purchase of machines and equipment for production
- Worldwide implementation of the license model developed
- Intensification of marketing activities
SMARTER HABITAT offers 24.9% shares for EUR 5 million open participation and pays interest of 3 - 5% on loans of another EUR 5 million.
As an exit for the investor, an IPO is planned in 5 years at the latest.
Depending on the interests of the investors, the company will structure an exit scenario and implement it proactively together with the investors.
Investments in the order of 5-10 million euros are sought.
SMARTER HABITAT offers 24.9% shares for an open investment of EUR 5 million and pays interest of 3-5% on loans of a further EUR 5 million.
As an exit for the investor, an IPO is planned in 5 years at the latest.
Depending on the interests of the investors, the company will structure an exit scenario and implement it proactively together with the investors.